Music has that wonderful ability to leave an indelible imprint, like smell.Both music and smell can whisk you back instantly to that moment in time, reminding you of all the emotions and memories.Given certain circumstances of late, a lot of my music collection brings back too many memories, memories I don’t want to dwell on at the … This little adventure of mine may take on a life of it’s own. The above news report says it all. My vision of tiny snow flakes fluttering by as I take myself on my Christmas morning walk down the Champs Elysee may not be as romantic as I thought.In fact there is every chance that …
The Four Seasons, now I’m not talking about Melbourne’s weather in one day. I’m talking about Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Don’t you just love it. This is the ‘norm’ Vivaldi’s Four Seasons performed in La Sainte-Chapelle. Forgive me for sounding excited – it is only because I am. La Sainte-Chapelle is a magnificent 13th century gothic …
Time is marching on and with only 20 more days to tick off, everything seems to be falling into place very nicely. The distraction has become its own entity and a certain sense of calm and excitement ripples through my body. With the impending trip looming I can’t resist checking the weather. Most of Europe …
Most of the items on my list of things to do before I take off have been somewhat frustrating and time consuming. However, buying my new toys have made a couple of these chores by far the easiest and greatest shopping experiences I have had in a long time – Who said …
Versailles – Not My Apartment, Unfortunately! There is a small round brass disc that is set into the pavers in front of the Notre Dame Cathedral. They say if you stand on it you will always come back to Paris. Every time I do this, I have a strange and wonderfully overwhelming feeling of …
2. something that frustrates 3. (Psychology) Psychol a. the prevention or hindering of a potentially satisfying activity b. the emotional reaction to such prevention that may involve aggression Obviously it really is getting to me because even trying to find the definition to cut and paste – is … frustrating! So R would be …
Amongst the panic of still not having somewhere to live yet, I have been trying to find the time to get other things done whenever I have a small window of time, as the list grows; Paris soundtrack for Ipod, Research laptop to take, Research digital camera options that will take my old …
The inspiration and idea behind this ‘Project Paris’ was to get my mind off things and in particular ‘him’ and it has been reasonably successful so far except for the odd melt down as I have been calling them. I likened myself to a spider I saw in the bathroom the other day …
What started out as a relaxing ‘get away’ with purpose, time to breath, time to find myself, time to re-evaluate my life. Has turned into something a lot different. It seems like a cliche or another one of the dozens of travel narratives I have read; the husband runs off, the girl is left standing …