There are no prizes for guessing the performance I saw at Paris’ Chatelet Theatre tonight. The neon sign, lighting up the façade was unusual for the theatre but completely fitting for the show. Admiring the view of the theatre, noticing details that I hadn’t before and listening to the orchestra tune when the owner of the seat beside me, …
A rendezvous at the Musée d’Orsay with my friend Julien and a simple dinner afterwards at my apartment was on the menu today. Awake hours before the crack of dawn after an early night and a good nights rest gave me time to set out on a short stroll that I had devised, intended for my …
When I plan to do nothing in Paris, it seems that the city will not allow it. Tucked away safely in the privacy of my own apartment, I decided I had a plan, and that was to do nothing but Paris and I seem to have a struggle with this and she won’t allow me to …
My stomach somersaulted like an acrobat and sank slowly to my groin as I watched the photos I had taken earlier in the day download and corrupt before my eyes. All that I could see was a haze of colours distorting into abstract shapes. Was this to be the impending ‘Annual Parisian Incident’? I couldn’t bear to …
Nope, it isn’t any of that stuff, that is what I love about Paris. This is what I don’t like about Paris. I never look forward to it, in fact I dread it, I get emotional and anxious. I don’t like to think about it or talk about it. My last day in Paris. …
OH WE FORGOT TO CLIMB UP THE EIFFEL TOWER, I squealed to my friend as we were about to leave Paris. Never mind, he calmly assured me, this will give you good reason to return. What I didn’t know then, on perhaps my 15th visit to Paris, on that sunny October …
CHICKEN, DANCE The title on my post probably has you conjuring up a visual of Paris Adéle, hands tucked up under armpits, elbows out wide, legs bent at the knees and performing some sort of idiotic dance through the streets of Paris. Never fear people, my chicken dancing days are over but give me a …
Standing on the bridge, taking photos I was completely absorbed when a young lady and I use the term loosely, approached me with a wedding band. Before she had the chance to speak, I roared with laughter, as heartily as I could possibly muster. The pretty pedestrian bridge I speak of …
It happens around this time of the year, a certain type of melancholy. As my time nears to an end, I start thinking about work and start thinking about leaving, rather than ‘being’ in Paris. I try to shift the feeling by reminding myself that some visitors to Paris have a mere week or less …
I guess au revoir can mean goodbye but literally it means to re-see you again. Parisians don’t normally eat until around 7.30 – 8pm but we decided to have an early dinner and an early night, Chicky Babe was leaving Paris tomorrow and I had a walk planned for 10am. Sitting in a …