With no pain killers and all the pharmacies closed on New Years Day had me confined in the apartment all day. Perhaps it wasn’t a bad thing to finally get some rest and sleep. However, today had me feeling quite proud of myself. Not only did I step out today but I managed to tell …
One of my secret pleasures is to poke around private courtyards, narrow passages and the charming covered passageways of Paris. Especially when I happen upon one that I wasn’t expecting. I have been known to gasp out loud, much to the amusement of passersby. My Paris Adéle itinerary, as I affectionately call my mapped out walks, was shorter than …
It is quite ironic that when I decided to abandon my little walking tour today, I managed to get slightly lost and yet at the same time, I gave four people directions along the way. Am I an oxymoron? So how does that work, that I am lost and still able to give other people directions. It confuses …
The weekend streets of Paris are busy, Sunday is quieter where local flâneurs step out. Lovers stroll hand in hand, pet owners walk their dogs and families take their children to the park, all the while, enjoying their city. The Lawyer had told me about a charming …
One of Paris’ best kept secrets is a lunchtime venue in the cellar of La Madeleine or more formally; L’église Sainte-Marie-Madeleine, the Madeleine Church. If you didn’t know to look for it, you would never just happen to stumble across it. Afraid I was too late and missed the deadline, I walked from the metro, practicing in …
After leaving Jim’s and The French Historian, last night, I had to go to my favourite bar to say goodbye to my friend Bouba. It was his last night at work before heading off on holidays. Tired and cold but I could not miss the opportunity to thank him for his hospitality and kindness. We …
Travelling light is a good thing, as long as you don’t wait until you have nothing clean left to wear, and places to go! Fortunately, last night, I had a pretty new skirt to wear to dinner. En route to meeting The New Yorker at Café Panis, on the left bank, left me a few …
We didn’t head out as early as we hoped but we still managed to cover a 14km walk of the left bank of Paris and beyond ending at the Eiffel Tower, just a half hour, before Christmas eve ticked over to Christmas morning. Starting at Saint Germain des Pres, we took in Eglise Saint Germain …
In the 19th century, passages were developed to enable shoppers to escape the rain and mud that was flung up from the horse drawn carriages. Giving the shoppers a pleasant shopping experience. In much the same way that we now have shopping centres. The shopper could arrive at the passage, have their shoes dusted, step down from their …