Standing on the bridge, taking photos I was completely absorbed when a young lady and I use the term loosely, approached me with a wedding band. Before she had the chance to speak, I roared with laughter, as heartily as I could possibly muster. The pretty pedestrian bridge I speak of …
Street Art Paris Tomorrow the sales start in Paris. I did what any smart Parisienne shopper would do, I started looking around, trying on clothes in advance, for the big day. This way, once the prices are reduced, all I need do, is pluck the desired items from the racks, with no need to line …
Christmas Tree Made from Drink Bottles Strange; when I am working, I am waiting for the weekend to come. Time to rest, get things done around the house, go out, be with friends. It is no different in Paris. People want to get out, meet friends and shop, the streets are busy, the shops pumping, …