Most of the items on my list of things to do before I take off have been somewhat frustrating and time consuming.However, buying my new toys have made a couple of these chores by far the easiest and greatest shopping experiences I have had in a long time – Who said that money can’t buy you happiness? Money combined with good service has made me feel better than I have since this tumultuous five and a half months unfolded.Not only did I have fun with a fabulously well informed Apple salesman at David Jones, and an equally knowledgeable salesman at Ted’s Camera Store I also had a great experience with my internet provider (no it isn’t Telstra). I mean come on, what is going on, three in one day.Loaded up and ready to blog, my new MacBook Air is so sexy I have been totally seduced by it. Design is king and attention to detail is sublime right down to the packaging. This is how it should always be.When I plugged in the cord and it magnetically snapped into place I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman when Richard Gere snapped the jewellery box shut!Am I really that shallow …I feel great – I feel alive – it was not so long ago I didn’t want to live and now a very small slimline piece of hardware has woken up my world.Who says that money doesn’t buy happiness and that possessions don’t mean much – oh was that me? Well I take it all back.