I have been at it again; this time I have bought tickets to see My Fair Lady.
Now before you start yawning and thinking that it is old hat, just hear me out.
First of all, it is in English which helps – it means I will understand it.
Secondly; I have never seen it before, in any form, theatre, movie, on the telly, whatever, so therefore a new experience.
However, the thing that is the …… oh can I say it? …… pièce de résistance! …
The venue!
I really can’t work out what I am more excited about – the show or the venue.
There are of course, many lovely theatres and concert halls and I have been lucky enough to go to a couple, The Albert Hall in London in the 80’s comes immediately to mind watching Joe Cocker belting out – She Came in Through the Bathroom Window – but I don’t know if I have ever seen anything quite like this.
The venue in question is no other than the majestic Chatelet Theatre.
This place is slightly ‘newer’ than La Sainte-Chapelle by a few hundred years perhaps around 650 or thereabouts, built 1862.
If I told you Around the World in Eighty Days played in this very theatre for around 64 years and was eventually shut down because of WWII would that stifle the yawn momentarily?
Serendipity took over when choosing the seats. I tried to book one of the cheaper seats and managed to lose the booking.
Then I had a look at what the most expensive price would randomly land me by the computerised booking process.
Bang first balcony right on the corner of the left side of the stage, seduced, reserved, paid for.
Why Pretty Woman moments keep popping into my head, I cannot explain but I can visualise myself telling the person next to me that I am so excited I want to pee myself.
Well maybe that is fitting for My Fair Lady too!