Christmas Tree Made from Drink Bottles Strange; when I am working, I am waiting for the weekend to come. Time to rest, get things done around the house, go out, be with friends. It is no different in Paris. People want to get out, meet friends and shop, the streets are busy, the shops pumping, …
In the 19th century, passages were developed to enable shoppers to escape the rain and mud that was flung up from the horse drawn carriages. Giving the shoppers a pleasant shopping experience. In much the same way that we now have shopping centres. The shopper could arrive at the passage, have their shoes dusted, step down from their …
Finally the day had arrived, I was to have Emilie and Bouba for dinner at my apartment. It is hardly a good idea to feed the French, French food and knowing Bouba enjoys a spicy meal, I would cook a Malaysian Lamb Curry with potatoes. It is a relatively simple dish and I …
The morning started out as usual, breakfast to the sound of seagulls, a call to British Airways call centre in Spain. An email arrived, to inform they still can’t find the luggage, fill out the attached form. No attachment. I think monkeys are running that company. After wasting more time talking to someone who has …