Christmas Eve In Paris

Some people wish for a view of the Eiffel Tower from their apartment, some wish to fall in love in the City of Light, for me I wish that Parisian apartments would supply a shopping trolley.


Braving the shoppers at Galleries Lafayette on Christmas Eve, requires a bit of stamina but I knew it might be my last opportunity to see the Christmas windows and Christmas tree before they take them down, so off I trundled.

An entire bus load of frenzied Japanese shoppers invaded the perfume section, pushing and shoving, as if the sales had already begun, I had to get away.

Venturing upstairs to the fashion section potentially, was a very dangerous move on my part but in the name of research of course.


I often do this, to check out what is the new fashion trend in Paris and what will go on my wish list for when the sales start in January but one little black dress was reasonably priced and so was a little black top.


The theme this year for Galleries Lafayette windows is Star Wars and the intergalactic and as amazing as they are, they were very difficult to photograph with all the silver, reflection and movement and for Printemps, it was the big brand names…


The Printemps windows, despite their blatant advertising are terribly sweet.

The video below is sponsored by no other than Christian Louboutin, the shoe designer.

You may not catch it in this short video that I shot but all the shoes in this clip have the legendary and famous red soles that he is known for.


And this, sponsored by Sonia Rykiel is very cute:


Leaving the Parisian department stores without adding too much damage to my credit card, I headed for my favourite Monoprix supermarket in Saint-Paul to finally stock up on some food.



Although I am referred to as a ‘clothes horse’ at times, it is the food shopping in Paris that I prefer.

I have been known to descend upon the food section of the supermarket Monoprix in Saint-Paul in the same manner that Japanese tourists rush to the Chanel perfume counters at Galleries Lafayette.

However lugging purchases back can be a bit of a challenge. Today I had to be strategic and only buy from Monoprix what I couldn’t get from my small local Franprix.

I love the pre-cooked potato-gratin from Monoprix, although I do sometimes wonder if I buy it simply because it comes in a pottery bowl that I like to take home as a souvenir. Celeric salad is always on my list because it is so delicious and the array of pre-cooked meat dishes takes me a while to decide upon.



A mix of exotic French mushrooms ends up in my basket,  just because I can but I had to forego a bottle of Champagne, it would have added too much weight to my shopping bag.

The wonderful cheese shop along the way home has one less packet of the creamy Mont d’Or cheese and a couple less yoghurts that come in darling glass jars.


Finally I made it back with a heavy bag full of delcious food and headed up the 65 steps to my apartment for round one of the shopping.


I have been out every night since I arrived in Paris and tonight, Christmas Eve, I planned to stay in, catch up on my blogging, eat some nice food and drink some French wine.

Since it was Christmas Eve and to enhance the experience, I decided that I wanted something luxurious and comfortable to lounge around in,  a little Christmas treat for myself.

Etam is a store I visit each year, their lingerie and sleep wear is nice and affordable and I enjoy wearing it when I get back home, a little piece of Paris for me.

I had in my mind that I wanted something satiny and slinky, something to feel nice in and a light weight robe to take the chill off my arms. I found what I was hoping for.  A black and white satin petticoat and a shiny black satin robe.  Perfect.


However the practical part of me wanted shorts, something that I could also wear at home in the hot summer months and the Parisian part of me needed long legged PJ’s for warmth and comfort.

Wouldn’t you know it, the perfect ensemble; grey and white singlet, long legged pyjama pants, shorts and a matching light weight robe. The only dilemma I had now was which ensemble to choose.

What the heck, it is Christmas.

I joined the queue with an arm full of sleepwear but hang on a minute my feet get cold.   I leave the queue and find the cutest fur lined grey slippers, I rejoin the queue and almost choke when the shop attendant tells me the total. Fumbling, I drop my credit card, she laughs and asks if I want them gift wrapped, feeling slightly embarrassed, I quietly respond with ‘it’s all for me’.

The last of the food and wine shopping done and I pant my way up the 65 steps again to the apartment.


Standing in the kitchen, wearing my new grey ensemble with my aching feet feeling absolutely delicious in my new fur lined slippers, I sip on some wine and eat the creamy Mont d’Or cheese directly from the packet with a spoon and feel like a queen.



For the uninitiated, Mont d’Or cheese is a creamy, sticky, runny cheese that comes with a mouldy rind and stored in a bamboo container and the only way to serve it, because of its consistency, is with a spoon. Elegant Queens would place some on a plate but not for Queen Paris Adèle, I simply ate it straight from the container, diving my spoon in and slowly savouring it. Totally decadent and very delicious.



4 Responses to Christmas Eve In Paris

  • superchrissy11
    Wellll .... What a fab Xmas Eve you had .... That would have been my ideal evening in too ..... And I want some of that cheeeese ... Sounds delicious .. Glad you managed to get the pics sorted for this one!!
    • parisadele
      Thanks my one and only follower Chrissy, you light up my day that someone is reading, despite images not loading etc. I really enjoyed Christmas Eve and did feel super luxurious in my new PJ's and feasting on that glorious cheese. You must buy some when you are in Paris next. Divine!
  • Kathy Shearer
    I am planning my first trip to Paris in late April/early May. I am so excited! I look forward to trying the cheese. Thank you for the great suggestions in this blog.
    • parisadele
      Hello Kathy thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment that is really kind and encourages me to continue to keep this site alive. I hope you have a wonderful time in Paris Adèle

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