Chantilly Lace and a Pony Tail

What do they call those songs that you can’t get out of your head, worms? Ear worms?

day trip from paris to chantilly

One had burrowed deep into my head while I slept like a baby last night after my big arrival and late night.

Surprisingly I woke up feeling great and didn’t look too worse for wear but the song Chantilly Lace was stuck on replay in my head.

Taking off on a journey before sunrise always seems to fill me full of excitement and adventure, and harks back to my childhood.

The smallest caravan on the earth belonged to us.  Although as a child, to me it was a luxurious giant doll’s house. It would be packed up the night before in anticipation for our early morning get away to avoid the Christmas rush traffic.


Although it was still dark when I left Paris this morning, it was already 8am and instead of avoiding the rush hour, I was swallowed up in the giant sea of hectic, yet quiet Parisian commuters. It always seems to amaze me how quietly Parisians commute.

Packed in like stylish sardines, the metro was sweltering.  Most Parisians are wearing jackets but I only have one option, which is a long coat and it was hot and to add to this, a heavier than planned backpack wasn’t helping.

Yes people, had the paparazzi been awake as I snuck out of the apartment this morning, they would have captured photographic evidence of Paris Adèle carrying a small backpack, fortunately they missed this opportunity and I will deny all allegations.

Although the backpack has only a few essential items, it seems to weigh a ton. My essential items  is mostly camera gear but also a couple of things for a one night stay in the city of Senlis.

catch train from paris to chantilly

The half hour train journey sped by in a flash and before I knew it, I was the lone person, camera in hand, standing on the platform of Chantilly train station.

The tabac opposite looked a little seedy from the outside and I am sure I could smell cigarette smoke on the inside but it was a cheery friendly place.  A croissant and two coffees, two because the coffee was so good, I went back for more.  Refreshed and ready to catch the bus to Chantilly, good plan I thought to myself. 

Everyone will rush to get there early, I have lagged behind, enjoyed a nice break and will catch the next bus.

The thing with timetables is that they change, and mine was out of date – another 1.5 hours until the next bus but I remembered reading that the cabs were inexpensive for the short journey.

chateau de chantilly france

A few minutes later I found myself now singing Chantilly Lace, out loud with a bit of a skip in my step as I admired the green lawns and expansive area that belongs to the castle.

I managed to spend the good part of the day here, wandering around, snapping photos.  Unfortunately the cloak room was unmanned which made me nervous to leave my backpack behind with laptop and other valuables and felt like a pack horse by the time I finally had finished viewing the magnificent castle.

how to paris to chateau chantilly
chantilly castle chantilly lace
day trip from paris to chantilly castle france
library chantilly castle
chantilly castle france from paris

The library was spectacular with volumes arranged by format!

Although there was a group of Chinese tourists and a school group for the large part of the time, I was the only person in the vast rooms.  The collection of miniature paintings had me captivated as did a painting of a young Napoleon.

It was time to continue my journey, next on the agenda the quaint medieval town of Senlis just a short bus ride away.

senlis cottage blue door shutters flowers cobbled street
senlis shopping chocolate

senlis book shop

senlis how to visit from paris

If there was a cuteness award handed out to small villages, oh man, Senlis would win it hands down.

train bus to senlis from paris

I arrived by bus at the now disused train station.  Word has it they stopped the train from going to Senlis to make it more difficult for Parisians to invade the place on the weekend!

The walk to my lodgings for the night, with the heavy back pack and camera gear had me feeling a little weary but taking in the sights and stopping to take photographs along the way, all of a sudden I had forgotten about my aching feet and back.

A few months back, when I attempted to book a room at Côté Jardin, I was really disappointed that the room I had my heart set on staying in, was no longer available.  I had the choice of another at the same price point or other rooms above my budget.  I settled on the cheaper.

Francine the owner, a charming lady took me up to my room.  Is this alright for you she asks.  Wow!  My jaw dropped open.  The room was enormous and we hadn’t seen everything yet.  When I spied the claw foot tub, I wondered if there had been a mistake.  I couldn’t remember that in the photos. Oh well, I am not complaining.


Stylish, quirky with a mix of modern conveniences and a country rustic charm and so much attention to detail.


I later learned that Francine, the owner has an interest and a flair for interior design and it is apparent in every nook and cranny.

Everywhere you look, there is something to admire and take you by surprise.


The soft pink carpet under my aching bare feet as I padded around admiring my luxurious surroundings, was delicious.

It enticed me to want to stay put, take a long bath in the wonderful black and white bathroom.

But, I promised myself the reason for staying over was to capture some night time shots and have dinner at Le Scaramouche.

Venturing up the hill, on ancient cobbled streets with Christmas music gently humming through speakers dotted around the town, was a magical experience.

senlis night cobbled street


I had read good things about the restaurant Le Scaramouche in Senlis and it didn’t disappoint, in fact it was outstanding.

With no reservation, I am glad I got there a little early.  It filled up quickly.

With a bird’s eye view of the ancient cathedral Notre-Dame de Senlis and the most delicious meal of cream of endives and slow cooked deer at extremely reasonable prices, I couldn’t have asked for a better way to round off a wonderful day.

where to eat senlis france
best place to eat senlis

Paris Adèle’s Information Nécessaire:

Chantilly Castle – official link in English
Senlis – Official Tourist Website in English
Coté Jardin Bed & Breakfast – official website
Scaramouche Restaurant – official link in French
Scaramouche Menu – in English
  • Senlis
    Charming cobbled streets, pretty stone cottages and a vibrant market can all be seen in a day from Paris in this Medieval town but an overnight stay ...
  • Côte Jardin
    Côte Jardin
    Oozing style and charm with an attention to detail, Côte Jardin is everything you ever dreamed about a French country Bed and Breakfast, located in the delightful village on Senlis.

Places Nearby :

  • Château de Chantilly
    Château de Chantilly
    Situated 50kms north of Paris and a short 25 minute train ride, makes the sumptuous Château de Chantilly a pleasant and easy day trip just outside of Paris.

2 Responses to Chantilly Lace and a Pony Tail

  • http://superchrissy11

    Well Adele .. It’s about time you had a change of luck after your run of hiccups getting there .. But, wow, how lovely your room, and Chantilly and Senlis looks…. Thanks for sharing your journey, as always ..

    • http://parisadele

      Hi Chris, yep everything is coming up roses now, just little things to test me 🙂 My room was amazing, as you can see and Chantilly and Senlis wonderful – add them to your list -lol. Thanks for commenting.

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