Books & Music

Whether you are planning a trip to Paris, an armchair traveller or simply a Francophile, like me …

reading books about Paris and listening to French music is a great way to immerse yourself into the city of love and light.



I have more books on Paris than you could dare to imagine.

A self confessed research junkie, is what  I call myself.  I am always on the look out for something new to discover, a good restaurant to eat in, a quirky museum to explore or some new angle to photograph for my next trip to Paris.

Whether it be searching the internet for shows and exhibitions, following fellow bloggers or reading travel guides from front to back, chances are, if it has been written I have read it.

When it comes to deciding which books come with me to Paris and which ones are left behind is always an agonising exercise.  


Road testing is the only true way to know how good a book is and how accurate and up to date they are.  



Amongst my bulging collection, I have a few favourites that I trust and rely upon, which are dog-eared and loved.  

I will review these in an effort to help you to decide which books may be worthy to travel with you.

If you know of a good book or some great French music, please let me know, it’s great to share your knowledge and tips with others.


  • Paris Arrondissements
    Paris Arrondissements
    This handy pocket sized map book and essential tool, will ensure you don't get lost in Paris and is well worth the investment
  • Chronicles of Old Paris by John Baxter
    Chronicles of Old Paris by John Baxter
    This wonderful book, is bursting with information and history and a must read for anyone visiting Paris or interested in a short history of the city.
  • Ben L’Oncle Soul
    Ben L’Oncle Soul
    He is cool, he is smooth and he is funky. He is the uncle of soul, well that is how his name translates.
  • Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève
    Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève
    A remarkable and historic reading room with its spectacular ceiling, books lining the vast long walls and rows of green reading lamps.
  • Bibliothèque Richelieu
    Bibliothèque Richelieu
    Millions of books line the walls of this historic library under monumental ceilings and finally, it is open to the public.

If you have found this information useful, please thank me by leaving a comment, or liking me on facebook or google+  Merci!

2 Responses to Books & Music

  • Anonymous
    Thankyou for this lovely site. It was recommended to me by Graham at the Caloundra bookshop when my daughter Ruby was travelling overseas for 3 months last year. As I have never been to Paris it is all very inspiring to me. Really enjoy your photos, you have an excellent eye. Am now following you on instagram as well and have recommended the site to friends visiting Paris. Thankyou and Kind Regards, Vicki Alford of Little Mountain
    • parisadele
      Bonjour Vicki thank you so much for your very kind words, I am really touched. Generous comments like yours encourages and inspires me to keep adding more information and to know it actually helped someone, somewhere brings me great joy and pleasure! I hope that my site offered your daughter Ruby some useful tips and so glad it is inspiring you! Paris is always a good idea - lol! It means so much to me that you like my photos, are following me on instagram and recommending my site, a pink tinge and a big smile is now lighting up my face. Graeme is such a wonderful human being, I think the world of him and now it sounds like I better buy him a coffee too for putting us in touch. thanks once again and kind regards Adele

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